Repair work in the churchyard

Published: 13 June 2024

Dear Villagers

Over the summer the Parochial Church Council (PCC) of St Andrew’s Church has authorised repair work in the churchyard to repair the path and walls; to cut back some of the trees and remove a dead tree and to repair and paint the gate, the archway and the railings. We are able to do this because of a kind gift, so this work will have no impact on the ongoing fundraising for the church roof.

As the churchyard and church are open to public access (and will remain so as far as possible during this work), I am asking walkers, dog walkers and visitors to the Church and churchyard to take special care during periods of work. Notices will be posted on both entrance gates to the churchyard. Neither the PCC or the contractors will be liable for any damages etc if people (or dogs!) use the churchyard when this work is being done – please be careful and use common sense to avoid obvious hazards.

The first stage of work will be to repair the church path and some of the walls – this will take approximately five days starting on Monday 17 June.

Thank you so much

Robert Wellen (Churchwarden)
01747 811070 or 07817 633584 (no signal at home)

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