Fontmell Magna Neighbourhood Plan

This page presents the key documents of the Neighbourhood Plan which was made part of the North Dorset Local Plan on 28th November 2018. The documents relating to the planning, preparation and communication of a Neighbourhood Plan leading up to the referendum have been archived. If you have any queries please contact the working group secretary Michael Humphreys via email: or mobile: 07850875429.


Neighbourhood Plan - NDDC Examination Report

On 10th August 2018 the independent Examiner, Mr David Kaiserman, published the final version of his report to NDDC. The Report is available to read under neighbourhood plan documents below.

The Examiner has recommended that "subject to a number of recommendations (principally for changes to the way in which certain policies are expressed), I have concluded that the Fontmell Magna Neighbourhood Plan meets all the necessary legal requirements at this stage of its preparation, and consequently am pleased to recommend that it should proceed to referendum."

The Parish Council and NP Working Group are happy to accept all the recommendations made by the Examiner. The Neighbourhood Plan will be updated and submitted to NDDC for approval prior to proceeding to referendum in November 2018.

Historical aerial shot of fontmell magna


The Neighbourhood Plan has been updated following the recommendations of the Examiner and approved by NDDC to go forward to a referendum of all parish residents eligible to vote. The referendum will be held on Thursday 15th November 2018 with the question:

Do you want North Dorset District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Fontmell Magna to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?

We hope all residents will vote and answer "Yes"!

 Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Result

The official result of the Referendum held on 15th November is:


Number of votes cast in favour of a "yes": 249
Number of votes cast in favour of a "no": 23
Electorate: 569  |  Total number of votes cast: 272  |  Turnout: 47.8%

Neighbourhood Plan is "made"

Following a majority 'yes' vote in the referendum, the decision was taken by NDDC on 28th November 2018 to make the Fontmell Magna Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2031 part of the development plan for the Fontmell Magna neighbourhood area. 


Neighbourhood Plan Documents 

The updated Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents are available here:

Paper copies of these documents are available at the Village Shop, the Fontmell pub, the Church, St Andrews School and the Village Hall.