The BT Switchover and how it will effect everyone;

Published: 13 October 2023

Councillor Christine Scott explains;
Each person should be contacted by their individual supplier, generally by letter notification.
They should explain how it will work for you and how they will help you. 
This new system is digital and works through your WIFI network. If you do not have a wifi connection you may be offered a hub to work your new system. At that point if you do not understand how to install your new hub, you must explain to your supplier your personal circumstances and concerns and they should be able to help either set it up for you or have yours delayed until they can set you up satisfactorily.
No one should be left without services, they have a duty of care towards you.
Anyone over 70, those with only landlines at present, people with special needs including health needs with emergency buttons etc and anyone with poor internet signal may be dealt with at a later date as time moves on but your supplier should explain all this to you.
Your supplier may send someone out to sort you out with a phone connection.
If anyone feels they are being left out or have concerns they can to speak to a member of the Parish Council who may be able to help out.
Don’t feel alone.
This switchover will take some time to implement and so it may be a while before you hear anything. It has to be completed by December 2025.
Age Concern have a dedicated web page to browse through which answers many of the usual questions that may be worrying you. It explains in Layman’s terms how it will work. If you have no internet ask a friend or neighbour to read through this site with you, it is very informative.
It will go ahead but we hope with a smooth and stress free transition!