We Need YOUR suggestions for community funding allocations.

Published: 12 January 2024

IF the Charleston Homes development gets passed by DC and goes ahead, we will be receiving another S106 grant from this development to enable us to make changes in the community on behalf and for the benefit of all parishioners.

We want to hear what you would like to do with this money, should we get it.

FMPC wants to be very clear that no decisions have been made with regards the Charleston Homes development and this request is not in anyway intended to garner support for the development of the site. FMPC HAVE to submit our suggestions regardless of what anyone might think or feel about the potential development. It is important you understand that this does not mean the development is going ahead, or that by giving suggestions to DC we are somehow giving permission for this site. It is simply a requirement and gives us as a Parish the opportunity to make the most of the situation SHOULD it arise.

The deadline for this submission is soon so we would ask you to please respond with any ideas by Saturday 20th January. So we can offer a constructive list to CIL that will have maximum benefit for the Parish IF the development was to go ahead.

There are no wrong suggestions and we cannot have too many, so please let us know we look forward to hearing what you want to see in your Parish.

The FMPC can make no promises on the outcome as it will depend on the guidelines and decisions made by DC but we very much want to do this with the input of the community.


 Please contact one of your councillors on the details below

All Parish Councillors contacts.
Hannah Lister - Community Reach - Highways - Chairman
Fontmell Magna - fmpc.hlister@gmail.com
Laura Scott Walby - Planning
Fontmell Magna - fmpc.lswalby@gmail.com
Laura Kurton - Parish Communications
Bedchester - laurakurton.council@gmail.com
Andy Main - Footpaths and Rights of Way
Fontmell Magna - andymainfmpc@gmail.com
Christine Scott - Social Infrastructure
Fontmell Magna - fmpc.cscott@gmail.com
John 'J' Roberts-Davies - Highways
Bedchester - fmpc.jrd@gmail.com
Ann Lee - Clerk - clerk@fontmellmagnapc.co.uk