Mill Street development

Published: 14 March 2023

A new planning application has been submitted to Dorset Council by Hardene Homes for 25 dwellings in fields adjacent to Mill Street with direct access onto Mill Street leading up to Springhead. There was a similar application made in 2018 which was rejected as being inappropriate for our village and totally against the village Neighbourhood plan.

The Parish Council are minded to object to this application for the same reasons bearing in mind the village has more than met its housing allocation in the Dorset plan with 42 houses already approved and mainly built since November 2018.

If approved this application would cause a much greater impact of vehicles using Mill Street and the extra dangers this poses especially for pedestrians in this area and those trying to cross the A350 to access the village amenities including the shop, bus stop etc. This comes at a time when we are all striving to make Fontmell Magna a safer place to


Other considerations:

  • Protecting the unique, ancient character and history of this village which can so easily be lost forever once these sort of developments are allowed in the wrong position.
  • Protecting the setting of the AONB which we are fortunate to live in, right alongside the Cranborne Chase and the wildlife it sustains.
  • An estate of brand new houses in this position would be out of character and change this environmentally sensitive area alongside Collyer's Brook for good.
Please don't delay and go on line and make your views known to the Council.

You can view these documents on the Dorset Planning Website, just go to Dorset Planning, North Dorset and follow the links. It will ask for the Planning Application number.

Enter P/OUT/2023/00667 where all the relevant documents are available to view. You can make comment in writing directly to Dorset Planning in Dorchester.

This will be discussed at the Parish Council meeting on March 21st. Please do attend if you are able.