Emergency Planning

Published: 03 September 2022

The emergency plan assists the emergency services and Dorset Council support staff to make easy contact with the Parish and know our designated emergency centre and key contacts.

But YOUR help is needed to ensure any vulnerable neighbours you know of are aware who they can contact for assistance.

The full details of the Emergency plan and contacts will be published on the Parish Council web site and in the Gossip Tree later this year. We see loss of utilities such as electric power over several days as being a high risk. Other risks include flooding and a major fire.

We would like YOUR help in compiling a list of residents that could volunteer in an emergency with:

Any portable gas heaters.

Portable generators.

Gas barbecues.

Suitable cars or 4x4’s.

Help with making hot drinks and food.

If you are able to help, please let our Parish Clerk, Sam Smith, know by e-mailing her at:


Finally, do you have your emergency grab bag ready with your important documents and medicines?