New Development Road name UPDATE

Published: 24 February 2022

The poll of suggested street names for the new Spring Meadows development in South Street is now complete; there were 79 responses. Thank you to all residents who took part.
As the number of possible variations of names for the streets is potentially huge, a shortlist was compiled with the Archive Society to facilitate a vote in the short time available.
The votes cast for the shortlisted names were as follows:
Street Name Votes
Westgate 62
Home Field 45
Sutton View 45
Old Crown Road 40
Lynchets 35
Glyn Close 24
Payne Close 17
Williams Road 17
The four highest polling names will go forward as our suggestions, to the developers Pennyfarthing Homes and onwards to Dorset Council. Dorset Council has the final say on the names allocated.
Some respondents offered other suggestions for names outside the shortlist including Christopher Close/Road, Elizabeth Way, Melbury View, Fontmell Drive, Crown View, Meadow View, and the more frivolous Outsiders Oasis, Vurriners View, Prince Andrew’s Close, Boris Boulevard and even Roady McRoadface!
Dorset Council’s choice of names will be published as soon as they are available.
Thanks again for your participation.
Fontmell Magna Parish Council