Have Your Say! - Residents' Survey 2021

Published: 30 October 2021

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Have Your Say! - Residents' Survey 2021

It’s the annual residents’ survey and we want to hear from you.

Tell us what you think about where you live and how you feel about Dorset Council. 

The residents' survey is important to help us understand residents’ priorities and experiences and will help us make improvements to council services.

The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. You can find instructions on completing the survey below.

Enter the prize draw! 

If you completed the questionnaire, we will enter you into a prize draw for the chance to win a top prize of £100 in shopping/Amazon vouchers or one of three free garden waste collection vouchers. 
Click here to begin

Completing the survey

  • Please follow the instructions for each question carefully. Some of them ask you to select one box, and some more than one box, or to write something in
  • Everything you tell us will be treated in the strictest confidence – we definitely won’t pass your details on to anyone else
  • If you have any questions please telephone Information by Design on 01482 467467
  • If you have any concerns about this questionnaire you can contact Dorset Council Customer Services on 01305 221000.
This survey is being conducted by Information by Design (Ibyd) on behalf of Dorset Council.  IbyD are an independent market research company, are members of the Market Research Society (MRS) and abide by the MRS Code of Conduct. 

The survey is being conducted online (promoted through e-newsletters like this one and through social media) and by paper questionnaires being distributed door-to-door in selected areas of Dorset.